Saturday, March 27, 2010

Elijah's antics

My husband is my all time best friend. He truly is my distraction from everything. He's assisting at a C-Section right now and thats the only reason I'm sitting here typing this...because I'm not sure what else to do with myself and I'm not tired enough to start my night sleep. When he's around I really get nothing done, unless he's entertaining the boys and I have a few moments to frantically put laundry away or do whatever ungodly amount of dishes has accumulated or vacuum the cracker crumbs, spit-up residue and torn up stickers left on the carpet by the ninos. He is simply my best friend and if he's around, which he often is, I really prefer to be by his side as much as possible. Sappy? Yes. But I do adore him! Now, that said, since he's not here I have some time to write whatever comes to mind, and what is coming to mind right now is my son Elijah and his antics. He is such and odd child! Fun, but odd. I'm not sure what we expect to see coming from him when he has Josh and I as role models. We are lively, behave strangely often, and are quite open with the way we are feeling about anything, though we tend to handle our emotions exponentially better than Elijah does. He's been potty trained for almost 2 months now, I think, about that long....And to toot my own horn, I potty trained him in 3 days. Really it was only barely over 2 days when it was obvious that he was officially trained. Does that mean he never ever ever has accidents anymore? Indeed not. He is true to his age and attention span. When something more important than paying attention to ones bodily functions is at hand, like watching an infant geared "Baby Einstein" video with his brother Judah, gleefuly saying "pee pee" and walking to the kitchen to show me the stream of fluid dripping out the bottom of his jeans seems to be a better option than running to the bathroom. He pooped in his pants the other day in his bedroom, but I'm positive beyond a doubt that it was because I made him go back to his room because "naptime" (MY 2 hour break from both boys in which they are BOTH asleep for atleast 2 hours) was not over yet. He squinted his eyes into tiny slits at me when I told him that it was too early to be up. He had to pee so after that was taken care of I escorted him back to his room where I told him he could sit "QUIETLYYYYYY!!!!" and read books. I heard a screech and pounding come from his room just moments later. I walked in to a cloud of stench and the look of guilt on his face. He turned and showed me the buldge in his Elmo underpants. It, at this point, had been WEEKS since he's pooped his pants. I asked if he did it on purpose (as yes, he does know what on purpose means) and he said in the most honest of voices "yeah.". Other than that, we have been accident free. It's pretty great! I am so proud of myself when I see underpants sticking out of his pants instead of a diaper top.
He gets to put stickers on a piece of colored card stock taped to the fridge whenever he goes potty in the toilet, or whenever he goes potty and remembers about the stickers. Lately he seems to be more intent on destroying the sticker charts and even the stickers themselves. Ripping Buzz Lightyear's legs off is seemingly much more rewarding that simply sticking him to a colored piece of paper on the fridge. If Buzz does happen to make it onto the paper, or the train, horse, Kung Fu Panda, motor bike, dog, or cat sticker make it onto the paper it's not long before they are removed and dismembered with the musical sound of Elijah saying "Oh No!" in a very high pitch. "Oh no, oh no. Buzz ipps boom!" (Translation: Buzz has been ripped and has fallen on the floor with a boom). And then he stomps on them leaving heads and wings and tails and cabooses and handle bar pieces stuck firmly to the tile just below the fridge. The trashcan is right behind where he stands and destroys, but the sticker fragments NEVER make it into the can unless I am there to guide him to that decision.
He is ALL boy!
Now I'm tired and it's late. Good night.